Evolution of Artefacts

Let’s understand Artefacts!
The dictionary defines an artefact as “An object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest”. These artefacts help archaeologists to study historical culture and get an insight into our past. Artefacts not just give us a peek into the life of our ancestors they also bring alive, culture, diversity, knowledge and history with it.
Today, artefacts are our proud possession. We own it either because it is passed down to us through generations or we own it because we love the historical values and ideologies they have. Every house today has some unique piece with them which becomes their proud possession over the years.
Evolution of Artefacts
Artefacts ideally could be a tumbler made of gold or a beetle nut container adorned with precious stones. In the past, it would have been an essential commodity but today it is standing evidence of skills people had, materials used for making stuff and also the time period of which era it belonged to. If you want to hold on to a piece of your past heritage one will definitely hold on to the pieces they have.
In India, many artefacts are found which speak volumes about Ramayana and Mahabharata. Scientific methods were deployed to study the rich history of India. Artefacts along with the presence of palaces, murals, and fort walls establish the fact that both Ramayana and Mahabharata existed.
Since these Artefacts are rich in their history, it becomes easier for people to come in contact with history in their daily life. But history comes with a price and is extremely rare and only a few can possess it. So, Artefacts have gone through a major behavioural and material transformation. Earlier, they were made with precious gems/gold/silvers etc. Only kings and queens had lavish adornment in their homes. But today things have changed.
With changing times an artefact belonging to African native land may be seen in an Indian traditional home. With lines thinning between culture and traditions, everyone is keen to adopt things that look good in their house and matches the décor.
Today artefact is more sustainable, compatible and trendy and adapting with changing times.
Create highlighting details in your living space that everyone will notice

When adorning your home, unleash the inner artist in you and add embellishments and enhance details that will make your house look more appealing. There are spaces in every home that are often neglected but deserve to be styled and decorated in an interesting way. It can be any spot – a favorite corner, a particular wall, or an entire space in a particular room that would jazz up your house, make it more inviting, and add value.
The house is your canvas
Your abode is the place where you live, spend most of your time, and rejuvenate on a day-to-day basis. And thus, keeping it as plain and basic as a bedsheet won’t do justice. Depending upon your preferences, you can identify a particular highlight of the house and enhance it in diverse ways. The living area would look excellent if, for instance, in the center space, you put crystal and glass chandelier. This can add to the articulation of the spot and can also make cozy seating for the family in an intimate environment. Likewise, you can also pick a single corner in the house, say the one facing the main entrance door, and brighten it up by painting the wall with a dash of vibrant color, coupled with sharp contrasting furniture pieces, like a couch and coffee table. The other option is to find a plain giant wall and deck it up by putting family photos. Decide a concept; make a family tree, print all the pictures in black and white, and frame them. Besides, the wall is even likely to reflect a whole different feel if you get a mural sketched on it. Let it be anything, even a small detail, if positioned well, can make a huge impact.
Visualisation matters
A lot can be done to beautify silent spaces of your home into the most creative and eye-catching points, with the right accessories and décor. However, prior to sprucing up spots in your home, contemplate whether you want to want to maintain a minimalistic look or an edgy one and whether the point of highlight will be the one from the living room, dining area, or bedroom. Keep in mind the existing furniture, the theme of the house, and other inbuilt settings whilst planning to enhance the spaces of a home. One of the best ways to adorn those empty walls, ceilings, or corners of your room is to incorporate personalized designs or paintings that help in creating an illusion of something larger in a small area. Instead of hanging multiple lights or small frames on a ceiling or wall, exaggerate the pieces to give more depth. You can also choose artifacts that represent different countries in order to create a division to your home or for a particular spot. Remember that real beauty lies in the details and highlighting them to the maximum will make your apartment more welcoming.
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Is maintaining a theme for interior decorating your house important?

The interior design of a house does a lot more than simply providing your abode with a sense of style and comfort; it also reflects on what your interests are, how your lifestyle is, and who you are as a person. When you adorn your space with a theme, it offers a chance to you to add a personal and unique touch to the overall vibe. Whether you want the style of the house to be modern or contemporary, minimalistic or industrialist, or for that matter, rustic or traditional, apply some of the basic principles of designing and change the face of your space as per your taste.
A theme is a good way to bind together individual design elements. But our choices are just as diverse as our personalities. The more the number of family members, the greater the confusion is likely to be. Thus, the first step is, of course, to narrow down on a theme that is liked by everyone. For instance, a minimalistic modern theme is a logical option for a compact, city-side home you recently purchase. You can easily add a hint of visual interest by layering every corner with classic elements as accent pieces, a preferred hallmark of modern minimalism.
At certain times, you may be aware of the fact that you want a theme, but lack an idea or direction to begin. Plus, with the number of décor items coming to life, it’s hard to stick to a single theme. In such cases, the house is likely to have a confusing appearance and importantly, no systematic structure. However, creating a few lists might help you to get out of a situation like this. Start by taking note of things that you want in the house, post which, you can list down the themes that seem to be appealing. The next obvious step is to peruse artifacts and décor items that are sure to jump out at you. Whilst doing this, a good rule of
thumb is to ensure that you do not overload your house with multiple themes – per room, or extensive home décor products. A few elements that represent the chosen theme will give the space an edge; just navigate the visual focal points, of course.
Other than this, what cannot be ignored is picking the right furniture for your space. The biggest challenge faced by most people is owning furniture that doesn’t necessarily fit in the new or renovated space. For instance, an oversized sofa, a small dining table for a big living room, or an out-of-the-place wardrobe for the bedroom. All of this can make the space look cramped and cluttered. Thus, before investing in the furniture pieces, designate the placement of each piece and measure its size to make sure the right things fit at just the right corners. Lastly, remember that nothing but your lighting fixtures will give the subtle
accent to your themes, like pothole sconces or colonial fittings.
Taking into consideration all these points, it seems more than certain to have a designated theme for your home so that, you can translate your thoughts, vision, and interests onto a canvas – which happens to be your lovely abode. This way, your home will attain a balance and you’ll have fun decorating it!